Groundbreaking Discovery: Xenobots, Living Cell Robots, Gain Reproductive Abilities
In a groundbreaking revelation reported by NewScientist, experts at the University of Vermont have unveiled an astonishing discovery: the biorobots they created, known as xenobots, have developed the capability to reproduce themselves. Crafted from living cells of the frog species Xenopus laevis, these innovative xenobots have demonstrated remarkable self-organizational abilities and the capacity to move small "weights" in laboratory settings.
When xenobots gather in groups, they exhibit the ability to form clusters consisting of around three thousand cells within a mere five days. Fascinatingly, these newly formed xenobots can then reproduce, giving rise to subsequent generations. Researchers have observed that groups of twelve xenobots can collaborate to bring about the birth of one or two new generations. Lead author Josh Bongard explains that one xenobot parent initiates the reproduction process, and by chance, another parent can contribute additional cells to the growing pile, leading to a chain reaction.
However, each subsequent round of replication results in offspring with diminishing self-reproductive capabilities. The final generation of xenobots, consisting of fewer than 50 cells, loses the ability to swim and reproduce.
The remarkable aspect of this discovery lies in the fact that the replication process can be controlled. Using an algorithm, the team of experts has been able to predict which initial forms of xenobots would yield the most offspring. This newfound knowledge opens up avenues to explore the reproduction mechanisms of the earliest organisms on Earth.
First unveiled in early 2020, the xenobots developed by scientists at the University of Vermont are a pioneering achievement in the field of robotics. These living cell robots possess the ability to move, self-organize, and manipulate microscopic "loads." With the recent breakthrough of xenobots gaining reproductive abilities, the scientific community is at the precipice of unlocking profound insights into the origins and nature of life itself.
Witness the marvel of self-reproducing xenobots, an extraordinary leap in scientific understanding and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries in the realms of biology and robotics. Stay informed as this remarkable field of research continues to unfold before our eyes.
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