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EPFL is exploring ways to control an additional robotic arm

Interestingly, EPFL researchers have discovered the possibility of using breathing to control a robotic arm. This can be useful in various fields, including medicine and military equipment. The US Army's Third Arm project proposes the creation of a third arm for soldiers to help them distribute the weight of heavy weapons more effectively and reduce physical exertion. Such innovative technologies can have great potential to improve people's lives and help them with various tasks.

Its goal is to create a wearable robotic arm to help with everyday tasks or to assist in search and rescue operations.

This study is an offshoot of the project. Micera believes that studying the cognitive limitations associated with third-hand control may open the way to a better understanding of the human brain.

Researchers such as Silvestro Micera and Soliman Shokur are working on developing third-hand control and studying the nervous system. One of the main goals of this study is to understand how the brain is able to adapt to new limbs and do something completely new.

Using the knowledge gained, the scientists plan to develop assistive devices for people with disabilities or rehabilitation protocols after a stroke. This will help to empower a person beyond his biological limitations.

The study also aims to find out whether our nervous system is able to control new limbs and adapt to them. Thus, it will be a process of constant development between rehabilitation and augmentation of motor functions.

Overall, these studies have the potential to change the lives of people with disabilities by providing them with new opportunities and helping them regain or improve their motor functions.

This is a very interesting study! Creating a virtual environment to explore the cognitive limitations of augmentation presents great potential for further development in the field of virtual and augmented reality.

Using the movements of the diaphragm to control the third virtual hand allows users to expand their ability to control and manipulate objects in virtual space. It is also interesting that the third hand was made symmetrical to avoid preference for one side.

Testing on 61 people in more than 150 sessions allows you to get more reliable results and understand the applicability of this approach for everyday use.

This experiment could have significant implications for the development of new interfaces and technologies that will help people expand their capabilities and achieve greater efficiency when working with virtual or augmented realistic objects.

Researchers from the Gerwin Artificial Intelligence Laboratory conducted a study that demonstrates the possibility of controlling a third hand using a diaphragm. This control method turned out to be intuitive, and the participants in the experiment quickly mastered the skill of controlling an additional limb. They also demonstrated that the ability to speak coherently does not depend on the use of this method.

During the study, the possibility of controlling the diaphragm using a robotic arm in the form of a rod was tested. When the user contracts the diaphragm, the rod is extended. The participants of the experiment were asked to achieve goals with their left or right hand or with the help of a robotic rod.

Previous research within the framework of the Third-Arm project was aimed at helping people with amputated limbs. The present study aims to expand the capabilities of the human body through the addition of an additional limb.

"Our next step is to explore the use of more sophisticated robotic devices through various control strategies to perform real-world tasks both in the laboratory and beyond. Only then will we be able to understand the real potential of this approach," concludes Micera.

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