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Epson augments SCARA robot arsenal targeting precision automation tasks

Epson bolstered its venerable smart collaborative robot arm (SCARA) lineup with two next-gen additions packing potent punch within compact footprints - the GX10B and GX20B models. Shipped via leading distributors, their combination of brisk speed, deft manipulation dexterity and ample muscle capacity promises significant productivity gains across light precision manufacturing.

"We essentially scale our SCARA recipe honed over 40 years towards duties too fine or intensive for entry-level variants without compromising quality or customization," explained Epson America Group PM Scott Marsic.

Epson expects its channel partners to find eager audiences within medical devices plus electronics/consumer electronics where precision assembly of intricate components often strains human ergonomics.

Vibration Suppression & Safety Endosurgical staple guns, hearing aid silicon molds and PCB population tasks require gentle, judicious force application difficult for people to repeatedly perform sans fatigue or errors. Here the GX10B and GX20B variants shine via specialized handling modules.

"GYROPLUS vibration dampening lets tooltips gingerly grasp then deliberately manipulate parts barely larger than pins without shakes or jerks," noted Marsic. "Smooth consistent motion control prevents defects."

This proves vital for highly regulated medical and defense equipment realms where tolerances barely exceed 10 microns while minimizing discarded duds raises roi. Epson's combination of sturdy single cast aluminum construction alongside ingenious inertial guidance feedback empowers gliding between positions unperturbed.

For additional assurance given continual proximity alongside human counterparts, Epson imbued contemporaries safety stewardship embedding force limiting, speed constraints alongside full production shutdown capacity within the RC700E controller - unlike pioneering editions relying on external overrides. Integration friendliness Even the most game-changing hardware innovations flounder sans accessible user-friendly software interfaces and straightforward installation.

Luckily Epson earns kudos on both fronts baking remote monitoring, handy dashboards for tweak and debugging plus intuitive programming suites into the GX fold. This permits responsive customization reacting to evolving requirements or scenarios without reinventing wheels.

GX models mainly operate Epson's ubiquitous RC+ ecosystem and associated development environment for quickly scaffolding and iterating upon tasks. But accommodations exist for third-party alternatives liking Universal Robots' URCaps or Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE.

Epson Configurator 3 software also helps parameters adjustment and control deployment via straightforward windows. Production and factory managers will appreciate the ability to simultaneously orchestrate fleets thanks to baked-in ethernet and fieldbus compatibility.

Overall, Epson exudes confidence in its contemporaneous SCARA series constituting one of automation's most compelling turnkey offerings upon which channel enterprises can readily construct services.

What's Driving SCARA Explosive Growth? Luckily for Epson and peers Fanuc, Yamaha plus Mitsubishi sharing its strategic vision, SCARAs sit at sweet intersection between flexibility, precision and affordability accelerating proliferation.

Established use cases like picking and placing, palletizing, packaging, dispensing/applying sealants continue gaining adherents as capacities rise while costs lower. Epson seizing chances to broaden accessibility for smaller firms beyond Fortune 500 holdouts.

And the collaborative moniker denotes easing integration beside existing manual production flows thanks to modular mounting options whether utilizing mobile bases or fastening upon walls, floors and standard rigging.

Epson's controllers built atop Linux foundations espousing open philosophies contribute towards interoperability goals. This brings automation within reach for many previously deterred by programming investments, special infrastructure or regulations.

Frost and Sullivan peg 2030 global SCARA sales exceeding $36 billion, more than double 2022 levels. Key drivers include growing machine vision and Internet of Things sensor pairings enhancing responsiveness, burgeoning smart factory momentum expecting equipment upgrades and crucially - rising wages making automation's roi equation continuously more compelling.

GX Series Cements Epson's Channel Bonafides "Adding the beefier GX10B and GX20B to existing SCARA selection helps Epson's channel partners target bigger sub-verticals like auto component assembly or medical diagnostics tooling benefiting from expanded load capacities," advised Rita Zhang, Smart Robotics Program Director, ABI Research. "The systems' superior precision aptly services intricate electronics or laboratory equipment production as well."

For over forty years, Epson accrued ample OEM goodwill within industrial circles via dependable innovations improving performance while keeping total ownership costs including maintenance and training low. Now the company stands ready to amplify automation adoption riding ongoing robotics revolution on backs of value-packed contemporary channels.

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