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IFR says harnessing AI in robotics can make work better

A perfect storm of demographic and economic shifts is fueling massive demand for automation across industries. Shrinking workforces, expanding e-commerce, and supply chain volatility are driving companies to deploy intelligent robotics. Artificial intelligence has already significantly upgraded robots’ capabilities, but generative AI promises an even greater revolution.



AI-enabled vision, planning, and learning allow robots to take on more nuanced tasks like precision welding, quality control, autonomous navigation, and adaptable picking and packing. As robots grow smarter, they can bridge widening skills gaps, boost sustainability through efficiency, and provide companies the agility to stay competitive.


However, realizing AI’s full potential requires ecosystem-wide collaboration. Industry, government, and academia must work together to lower barriers to robotics adoption for small businesses. Workforce education and sensible regulation will also smooth the integration of intelligent automation.


In just 50 years, robotics has graduated from basic repetitive tasks to advanced capabilities unlocking new applications across sectors. With AI as its engine, the next level of innovation could help individuals, businesses, and societies thrive. But we must nurture this technological promise responsibly and inclusively so that its benefits accrue to many, not just a few.

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