

Foxglove announces improved URDF support

Foxglove has rolled out upgrades to its 3D panel for improved visualization of robots defined with the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF). The capabilities aim to provide more intuitive insights into how robots sense and navigate.

A key update is automatically fetching URDF mesh files over a WebSocket connection when using the Foxglove bridge. This removes the need to locally store meshes, enabling access to remote assets on a PC or isolated environments like Docker.

In addition to URL sources, URDFs can now be added through topics or parameters beyond just files. Visualizing multiple robots using one URDF but with different coordinate frames is also possible by configuring the frame prefix per robot.

The 3D panel also allows toggling between display of a robot's visual or collision geometries. Auto mode shows visual meshes first, then falls back to collisions if unavailable. Collision colors can also be customized as needed.

Together, the enhancements streamline integrating URDFs from remote sources into rich robot monitoring. By expanding transform, geometry and sensor visualization, Foxglove aims to provide crucial insights for robotics developers.

Whether live-monitoring systems or reconstructing incidents, Foxglove's URDF support illuminates complex inner robot workings. Moving forward, the company plans continued improvements to elucidate how robots perceive and interact with the world.

By enhancing URDF integration and flexibility, Foxglove empowers developers to better understand, debug and optimize autonomous robot systems. The upgrades underscore Foxglove's commitment to unlocking impactful 3D visualizations for robotics.

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