Robocore Technology Ltd.
About the company
Robocore is the leading developer of applications for robotic platforms.We develop professional and customer-centric solutions for all segments and customers worldwide including Home, Hospitality, Retails, Medical, Industrial, Commercial and all other relevant applications.We are the owner of Temi, the personal AI assistant robot developer.We also develop solutions by integrating smart external sensors on the platforms such as wellness sensors, medical-grade sensors and others.Apart from service robot, we are cooperating with Verobotics, the facade cleaning robot developer, to promote smart building exterior maintenance in Hong Kong.
Apart from service robot, we are cooperating with Verobotics, the facade cleaning robot developer, to promote smart building exterior maintenance in Hong Kong.
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You can browse through all 3 robots Robocore Technology Ltd. has to offer.
Company FAQ
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" What is a product of company? "Robocore is the leading developer of applications for robotic platform. We are the owner of Temi, the personal AI assistant robot developer. TEMI: The world's first, truly intelligent, mobile, personal robot for your home or business. Temi places you at the centre of your technology, including smart home devices, online content and video communications – harnessed by the power of your voice, hands-free. A fully open SDK platform allows you to program your own applications for your business, making Temi not just any other robot, but your very own unique one.
" What is the mission of a company? "Yossi Wolf Founder, Chairman : “A few years ago, my life changed. I spent an afternoon with my grandmother and noticed how shaky her hands were and how difficult it was for her to hold a cup of tea. I then watched her try to operate her smartphone - she had trouble with that, too. In that moment, I decided to devote my life to creating temi for her. When I realized all the cool things a personal robot can do, I knew I wanted one for myself.”