
My employment type:

Full-time employees

My work level:

Entry level

I have posibility relocation
I'm looking for a position:

Robotics Engineer

Desired salary

80000 $ per year

Work experience

  • R
    Robotics Software Engineer Intern
    Karelics 09.01.2023 - 10.04.2023

    Developed Docker container in ROS 2 Galactic for code development. Developed ROS 2 Navigation node implementing Smac Hybrid Planner and created a goal validity checker node that checks for goal pose validity and recalculates new valid goal pose if needed. Developed unit tests for goal validity checker node. Developed behavior tree node that implements service node into behavior tree to integrate service into ROS 2 Navigation. Tested proposed solution on the companys robot showing promising results. Link:


  • C
    California State University Los Angeles
    18.12.2019 - 16.12.2022 Master's in Mechanical Engineering but my Master's Thesis was focused on the software side of robotics. It was about the development of an autonomous mobile manipulator performing a fetch-and-carry task. Here is the GitHub link:


Algorithms C++ Coding Computer skills Desire to learn Problem-solving skills Programming skills Python


Marathon running Marathon running Marathon running Marathon running Marathon running Volleyball


  • K
    Koubot ROS 2 Sensor Fusion - Development of a Mecanum Wheeled Robot using ROS 2

    Assembled a mecanum wheeled robot using real hardware components, including a Raspberry Pi 4B as the robot computer, an Arduino Mega, and 2 L298N motor drivers for controlling the 4 wheels. Developed a Docker container for running ROS 2 and ensuring a consistent and isolated environment. Utilized FreeCAD for designing the robot model. Transferred the model into ROS 2 using URDF and Xacro, enabling simulation and visualization within the ROS 2 framework. Implemented mecanum wheel kinematics and dynamics within the ROS 2 ecosystem, demonstrating your understanding of robotic motion control. End goal: Perform sensor fusion combining data from IMU, LiDAR and camera to improve accuracy and reliability in navigation using the ROS 2 navigation stack. Next step: ROS 2 control integration focusing on establishing a connection between ROS 2 and the real robot.

  • D
    Development of an Autonomous Mobile Manipulator in a GPS denied Environment

    Developed software using ROS to perform a Fetch and Carry task. Designed autonomous mobile robot using URDF/XACRO. Developed Autonomous Navigation, Manipulation and Perception pipelines. Tested solution into real robot composed of Jetson TX2, Arduino Megas and motor drivers. Created Docker container containing full ROS codes and simulations. Youtube link: GitHub link:

  • M
    Multi-Robot Collaboration to Perform a Delivery Mission using ROS 2

    Use of two robots, a wheeled robot and an arm manipulator, collaborating together to perform a delivery mission. Developed software in ROS 2 with C++, MoveIt 2, Gazebo and Rviz. The mission involves a set of different steps. First, the wheeled robot drives autonomously un- derneath a cart and attaches to it. A manipulator positioned on a table will pick an object using object detection and place it into the cart. Finally, the cart, now carrying the object, will transport it to a new location. Developed Navigation, Manipulation and Perception pipelines. Developed the same project in ROS with Python and MoveIt.


  • Python - level 8/10
  • C++ - level 6/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • Python - level 8/10
  • C++ - level 6/10

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