About the company
This is a robot company that started from the Robotics Innovatory laboratory within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University.
Prevent accidents that occur between people and industrial/collaborative robots due to current technological limitations.To further increase workability
We are researching and developing new sensor technologies based on field sensing technology accumulated since 1995.
This is a robot company that started from the Robotics Innovatory laboratory within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University.
Prevent accidents that occur between people and industrial/collaborative robots due to current technological limitations.To further increase workability
We are researching and developing new sensor technologies based on field sensing technology accumulated since 1995.
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You can browse through all 3 robots AIDIN ROBOTICS Inc. has to offer.
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" What is a product of company? "
World's leading field sensing technology!
Meso-scale It detects changes in the system and can avoid or stop before colliding with the worker.
New type of dual-mode proximity/tactile sensor technology.
Micro-scale Measurement technology that precisely detects changes regardless of external shocks or environmental changes.
Multi-axis force/torque sensor technology that can be manufactured at low cost through a simplified process.
" What is the mission of a company? "AIDIN ROBOTICS Inc. will continue to strive for the company's vision of safer work and coexistence between people and robots!