Salary / price 1 $
About the robot
Robot name Robotic Hand
Employment type Full-time employees
Dimensions 29,1x11,2x12 cm
Load capacity 15 kg
The speed of movement
Energy consumption
Working hours
The warranty period

Relocatable robot

*Payment terms, contracts, shipping/logistics, insurance details, etc. are provided upon request.

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Robot for industry

Exoskeletons Industrial Service Warehouse Robotics

Robots from the manufacturer

$ 1 Transaction Price Open to relocation

$ 1 Transaction Price Open to relocation


Robot name: Robotic Hand.

Grasping Mode

  • Power Mode
  • Precision Mode (pinch, tripod, etc)

Degrees of Freedom

  • Finger: 3 DoF
  • Hand: 15 DoF

Fingertip Force

  • 20 N


  • 15 Kg


  • 291112120 mm


  • 1.3 Kg

Fingertip Sensor

  • 5 EA (Miniature 6-axis F/T Sensor, AFTD20-15)

Additional Features

  • Compact and lightweight design
  • Link-driven mechanism for high force efficiency
  • Suitable for a variety of objects and tasks
  • Integrated 6-axis F/T sensors for delicate handling
  • Can be used with industrial and collaborative robots
  • Ideal for warehouse picking, home service robotics, and prosthetic applications


  • Industrial Automation
  • Warehouse Picking
  • Home Service Robotics
  • Prosthetics


  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Reduced labor costs
  • Improved safety
  • Enhanced precision and dexterity
  • New possibilities for automation


Aidin Robotic Hand: The Versatile Solution for Your Automation Needs!

The Aidin Robotic Hand is a revolutionary innovation designed to bridge the gap between human and machine dexterity. This humanoid hand boasts a compact size and weight, making it ideal for various industrial and collaborative applications.

Unmatched Grasping Capability:

Equipped with a 6-axis force/torque (F/T) sensor on the fingertip, the Aidin Robotic Hand offers exceptional versatility. It can perform a wide range of grasping modes, including power grasps, 3-point grasps, and precision pinches. This allows the hand to handle objects of various shapes and sizes with ease, making it suitable for a multitude of tasks.

Delicate Touch, Powerful Performance:

The integrated 6-axis F/T sensor provides the hand with exceptional sensitivity. This allows for delicate handling of objects without causing damage, making it perfect for tasks that require precision. No more worrying about fragile items – the Aidin Robotic Hand ensures a secure yet gentle grip.

Built to Work Seamlessly:

The Aidin Robotic Hand is specifically designed for seamless integration with industrial and collaborative robots. Its compact design and link-driven mechanism ensure high force efficiency, making it a powerful asset for various industrial applications.

Imagine the Possibilities:

The Aidin Robotic Hand opens doors to a world of automation possibilities. Here are just a few examples of where it can excel:

  • Industrial Automation: Reimagine your production line with a tireless and precise robot worker. The Aidin Robotic Hand can handle a variety of tasks, from assembly to material handling, boosting efficiency and productivity.
  • Warehouse Picking: Elevate your warehouse operations with a robot specifically designed for picking and sorting tasks. The hand's versatility and delicate touch ensure accurate and damage-free handling of your inventory.
  • Home Service Robotics: Welcome the future of in-home assistance with robots equipped with the Aidin Robotic Hand. From delicate cleaning tasks to fetching objects, the hand's capabilities open doors to a new era of home service robots.
  • Prosthetic Applications: The Aidin Robotic Hand's advanced technology can also offer new possibilities in the field of prosthetics. Imagine regaining dexterity and control with a hand that mimics natural human movement.

Hire a Robot Worker Today:

The Aidin Robotic Hand is more than just a piece of equipment – it's a gateway to a future of enhanced automation. Invest in the future of your workforce and explore the possibilities of the Aidin Robotic Hand. Contact us today to learn more about how this innovative technology can transform your operations.