Ati Motors
About the company
Ati Motors does interdisciplinary engineering across AI, power electronics, control systems, mechanical engineering, system software, electronics and manufacturing.They build (concept to manufacturing) Sherpa Line of Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) - Next generation robots employing Natural Navigation using 3D LiDAR & camera vision.The Bangalore and Detroit based team is focused on a hands-on, practical approach to robotics, building products that have been deployed in the real world, in factories and warehouses.The company takes pride in designing robots that fit into existing infrastructures, indoors and outdoors, with robust mechanical systems, reliable electronics and advanced automation software.These AMRs are Industry 4.0 ready, and seamlessly integrate with the Digital Enterprise.
These AMRs are Industry 4.0 ready, and seamlessly integrate with the Digital Enterprise.
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Company FAQ
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" What is a product of company? "Ati Motors makes autonomous electric vehicles for material movement in industrial environments like factories, warehouses, etc. Both indoor and outdoors.
" What is the mission of a company? "Ati adheres to a straightforward principle to prioritize customer requirements: "Zero Infrastructure Requirement." This means ensuring that customers don't need to alter anything in their factory to utilize Ati's products. The concept of Zero Infrastructure Requirement significantly influences various decisions in robot design. Consider how to effectively recharge the Sherpa's battery, for instance. Customers prefer not to modify their workspace or endure charging interruptions. Thus, the Sherpa utilizes 8-hour batteries that can be quickly swapped in and out. Employing wireless charging for an 8-hour shift would result in two hours of unproductive downtime. Customers cannot afford to immobilize equipment for charging, akin to how consumers recharge electric cars. Many existing facilities pose challenges for automation. For instance, one of Ati's clients requires a robot to transport heavy carts through a complex route involving ramps and roads. Despite evaluating various robots over three years prior, they hadn't found a suitable solution until partnering with Ati.
" What are the core values of the company? "Central to Ati’s design philosophy is the continuous refinement of algorithms that strike an optimal balance between performance and complexity. This iterative process ensures that the solutions developed by Ati are efficient, reliable, and scalable, enabling them to meet the evolving needs of users and clients. Our process is to model, simulate and prototype. Strong mathematical foundations coupled with extensive testing in the real world lead to robust engineering solutions. The integration of digital-twin simulations and hardware-in-loop testing holds a pivotal position in Ati's development lifecycle. This practice empowers the team to simulate and evaluate prototypes in virtual environments, minimizing the risk of failures and expediting the iteration process. Moreover, the philosophy is firmly rooted in data-driven design principles. The extensive real-life data collected, which includes over 75K+ kms of testing and analysis of 10K trips a day, forms the bedrock for informed decision-making.