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The robotics-as-a-service model has gained steam in commercial settings.
MoveIt Pro better reflects the platform’s expanded capabilities, says the company.
Knee replacement expectations for surgical robots may be misaligned, says study.
Move over traditional labor pools, there's a new kid on the hiring block — robots.
Kawasaki surprised audiences at the 2022 International Robot Exhibition (iREX) in Tokyo.
The Cable Splicing Machine includes automatic features for completing complex operations.
Barcelona-based SEAT Componentes supplies critical gearbox parts.
ADAM aims to assist aging populations with daily living.
South Africa's Koeberg nuclear power station in Melkbosstrand.
...introduces joint replacement offering!
Stretch 3 includes several quite important updates.
Robotics and artificial intelligence have become the new "oil" for the technology sector.
These new tools can revolutionize the world of work.
About us: the idea, development and revolution in the world of robotics!
The integrated warehouse brings together tools and technologies to optimize item flow.
RovoFlex picking robot can handle a variety of items.
CMU pipe-repair robots crawl into natural gas pipelines and coat them.
Microbot Medical’s LIBERTY system is a single-use endovascular robotic surgical system.
This making it faster and more convenient.
The AORO platform's hardware components.
KUKA’s KR FORTEC industrial robot aims to provide high dynamic performance.
This Galilean satellite is known for its volcanic activity.
Starship’s delivery robots travel 4 MPH to deliver goods over short distances.
The Ingenuity helicopter in the field of view of the Mastcam-Z camera of the Perseverance rover.