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Mission company is to free people from repetitive tasks to pursue more creative and meaningful work.
Viam was created to address the software bottleneck holding back robotic industries.
ASTM offers visibility into global standards development.
his first-of-its-kind fusion ushers in a new era of human-robot interaction.
Robotic face makes eye contact, uses AI to anticipate and replicate a person's smile.
Is not the first time that the future of AI has been associated with elements of science fiction.
Energy-recycling actuator prototype.
Neurolink provided real "evidence" of testing the technology of "telepathy".
The company has already conducted a demonstration to potential investors.
The legged robot ANYmal opens a fridge door using pedipulation.
Pioneering yet deeply concerning advancement – a unusual computer worm.
Researcher Aaron Young makes adjustments to an experimental exoskeleton.
Engineers at UCLA has developed a pioneering artificial intelligence device.
Theo works weekdays, weekends and nights!
"Father of AGI" and CEO of company SingularityNET, gave the closing speech at the AGI Summit.
XPRIZE Quantum Applications is a global competition with a budget of $5 million!
Hiring robots as employees is a current reality, not just future speculation.
Customer service is facing a technological revolution over the next five years.
DISCERN is designed to visually classify brain tumors.
This dynamic is expected to cause issues like increasing mean-time-to-resolution for IT failures.
"Cobots" are quickly moving into the mainstream manufacturing world.
This is the world's first resume and job bank for robots!
Updated platform is designed for robotics developers.
JobToRob - the world's first "Jobs & Resumes Bank" dedicated entirely to robots.